Information on data protection

We can provide you with the following information without guarantee of correctness, legal certainty and completeness with regard to data protection information:


1. which cookies are set by Bounce Commerce?

Only two cookies are set by Bounce Commerce. The “redirect” cookie only contains the values “true” or “false”. The redirect cookie saves whether a redirect should take place by clicking on the back button.

The second cookie “hash” randomly generates an anonymous (!) user session such as “606f08fa58c8f”. And enables spam protection. The session is only valid for this website and at most for the duration of the spam protection. Cross-website or cross-session detection is not possible.

Neither of the two cookies or associated data stores or persists personal or personally identifiable data or enables profiling.


2. is personal data collected?

No, Bounce Commerce does not collect any personal or personally identifiable data. Therefore, the GDPR does not apply (GDPR §1).


3. will an IP address be stored?

Bounce Commerce does not store or persist the IP address of users. Neither in the technical infrastructure (e.g. log file of the web server) nor in the actual technical service are IP addresses collected, stored or persisted.


4. does the partner Recombee store personal data?

Recombee offers the option of creating product-related followup pages based on user behavior via a technical interface (API). Recombee only saves transferred data. This is exclusively product data and, if desired, click and sales data for the product – but not of the visitor or buyer.


5. Does Bounce Commerce require a cookie opt-in for affiliate marketing via a CMP (content management platform)?

From December 1st, 2021, the advertiser is obliged to obtain the user’s advertising consent for cookies. If the advertiser operates an affiliate program, it must also obtain the cookie opt-in of the respective affiliate network from the user. Before being redirected to the Bounce Commerce followup page, the cookie opt-in was already obtained from the user.

The fact that Bounce Commerce is hosted on its own domain does not matter because, on one hand we do not collect any personal data and,on the other hand the cookies technically belong to the main page and the cookie opt-in has already been obtained on the main page.

If the user rejects the cookie opt-in, the affiliate network cookie will not be set either.


6. Do you need a separate cookie opt-in via a CMP for the two Bounce Commerce cookies?

In our opinion, there is no obligation for a user opt-in for the two Bounce Commerce cookies, as we do not store any personal data and do not record any IP addresses. In addition, there is no ADV (order data processing) contractual obligation.

However, we also offer an optional information document if our customers want to include our cookies in their CMP. Please send us an email to and we will send you our information document and details about our cookies.


7. Is there an obligation to provide information in the privacy policy?

In general, every customer is required to provide information in the privacy policy about which cookies and plugins are used. The use of Bounce Commerce should also be noted there, as well as a brief explanation of the redirection to the follow-up page, as well as a reference to the technical necessity of the cookies and the lack of collection of personal data.

We offer an information document for this purpose. Please send us an email to and we will send you our information document.


8. Does Bounce Commerce violate Google guidelines?

No, as of now (July 13, 2021), Bounce Commerce does not violate any Google guidelines. Bounce Commerce is a technical service like any other that you as a shop operator can integrate or not.

If you have any questions or concerns, we will be happy to advise you. Please send us an email to and we will be happy to help you!


9. Questions about data protection

If you have any questions about data protection, our data protection officer is available to help you at any time.